Everyone has experienced the sensation of “pins and needles” in their body at one point or another. It is a very common occurrence characterized by a sensation of tingling, pricking, burning, numbness or heaviness usually in the extremities. It is commonly referred to as having a limb that has “fallen asleep.”
In most people, it is a temporary condition. However, if you experience this feeling on a regular basis, it is uncomfortable and leaves you weak with less mobility. This can be an indicator of several underlying medical conditions, some serious and some less so.
To begin a treatment to get rid of the pins and needles, it’s important that the cause of the underlying problem is identified. Without this, the pain will stick around or come and go indefinitely. We’ve helped many people who experience regular pins and needles finally stop the problem and get to the root of what’s going on so they feel pain-free and strong.
It’s time to learn why some areas of your body are constantly plagued with the uncomfortable pins and needles sensation.
This condition often happens when pressure is applied to the arms or legs such as when you are kneeling on a bent knee on the ground or sleeping on an arm for a prolonged period of time. This pressure reduces the blood flow to your limbs. The lack of blood stops the nerves from sending messages to the brain and therefore you don’t feel the limb, or in other words, it’s numb.
When you change positions the pressure on the blood vessels is released and after a period of time the blood flow returns to normal. After this, the messages from the nerves flood the brain all at once causing the pricking and tingling sensation we’re all familiar with.
Chronic pins and needles sensations are due to a problem with nerve function. There can be many causes for this, ranging from a vitamin deficiency to an autoimmune disease. It can also be caused by a pinched nerve or an injury to the nerves from disease or an accident. Pins and needles are common in the elderly, who often have reduced circulation in conjunction with a tendency toward vitamin B12 deficiency. As B12 must be absorbed by the gut, its absorption becomes more difficult as our digestive enzymes are not as strong as they once were.
Other conditions that pins and needles sensations may indicate are: diabetes, alcoholism, compressed nerves, carpal tunnel syndrome, spinal disc herniation, menopause, heavy metal poisoning, anxiety disorder, fibromyalgia, chemotherapy, multiple sclerosis, a transient ischemic attack (TIA) and lupus.
The sensation of pins and needles usually goes away by itself, but if you find yourself experiencing this or numbness on a regular basis or you think you need help with some of the problems listed above, come in for an exam or consultation. We can help you get your problem straightened out or direct you to the next step or referral that you may need. Also, by checking your body structure and alignment we start you out with the first easy step in diagnosing why the pins and needles may be present.
We can help a pinched nerve that you feel from your shoulders, in your back, or down your leg and from many other areas. You don’t have to suffer with the pain of a pinched nerve that slows you down and drains your energy. Together, we can decide upon the best course of treatment based on the specifics of your situation.